Hello from Montana!
Michael and I officially left for our summer adventure on Monday. YAY! We kicked it off with a quick trip to Missoula, MT.
Here were some of my favorite things that we did:
- Morning runs downtown along the river. There is a beautiful little trail that runs along both sides of the river downtown. It’s very reminiscent of Minneapolis. Also, I can run one whole mile without stopping! I am almost up to a full second mile as well, but I usually have to stop and walk for just a minute. I haven’t been able to do this since last July! It is hard to get back into running.
- Breakfast at Catalyst. Make sure to order the green Chile pepper jack potato casserole!
- Beers at KettleHouse Brewing Co.. Cheers!
- Dinner at Pearl Cafe. Tasty food.
- Drinks and appetizers at Plonk. This was our favorite place! Order the pierogies and tartare.
- Lunch at The Notorious P.I.G.. I would come back to this place specifically to eat more burnt ends. Also, the name is amazing.
- Walks around the city. We walked at least 6 miles around the city our first day. There are so maybe lovely things arks around the city. It’s also very quiet – a lot different than the busy streets of Denver!
Overall, I really enjoyed Missoula. Who knows, maybe Michael and I will move there one day.
And, since it’s Thursday, some fun links from the internet:
- Fresh cherry crisp. Yummm.
- Currently listening to this audio book: The Last Season. So far, so good!
- This crafty show looks pretty great.
- Kilian Jornet is a superhuman.
- 7 habits to help kick over thinking. Because I never over think. Ever.
Tomorrow we set out on a 6-day backpacking trip in Glacier National Park. I’m so excited!
What are you up to?