First of all, I don’t even know how to express how much I appreciate all of your kind and encouraging messages over the last few days regarding my heart update! I feel so loved and supported and it’s making this whole mess so much easier. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I’m very lucky.
Second, another update. The ICD procedure went well! Fortunately, I don’t remember anything during the time in the operating room. I was comfortable and calm and surrounded by a great medical team. Afterwards, I was surprised at how good I felt. My pain levels were low and my spirits were high. It was great to be wheeled back into my hospital room and be greeted by Michael, my parents, and my grandma. I spent the night in the hospital and then stayed Wednesday night in Rochester before flying back to Denver yesterday.
Emotionally, I feel significantly better than I did last week. I think I needed to get a lot of emotion out before I could start moving forward. It helps to know that I have one procedure down and two more to go.
Physically, I feel good. Not great, but good. They implanted the ICD just below the collarbone on my left side and that’s still quite sore. I think it’ll be about 3 more weeks until I can have full use of my left arm again. It seems to be healing well and I’m no longer taking any pain medication. I’ll be curious to see what it looks like once the swelling has gone down and the steri-strips fall off. I try to get out for daily walks, but am still a little paranoid, because nothing with my heart is fixed yet. The ICD is security in case something does happen, so I need to take things very easy. Going for a 1-mile walk is a great day for me, but hey, it’s better than nothing.
Third, some fun links.
- Pesto pizza with balsamic chicken and peaches. I’m intrigued.
- These easy DIY fabric planters are super cute.
- Just finished reading The Handmaid’s Tale. Didn’t love it, but I think I’ll still watch the Hulu series.
- Anyone have a medical ID they really like? Currently liking this, this, and this. Help me!
- I’ll take whole wheat waffles and cashew coffee for breakfast. Please and thank you.
Thanks again your thoughts and prayers and positive vibes this week! The unroofing heart surgery is scheduled for September 18.
Xoxoxo jd
[…] my last update I have been feeling better and stronger. Everything with the ICD continued to heal well and I am […]