Weather is weird. On Tuesday it was a beautiful spring 70-degree day in Denver. People were outside running and walking in shorts and t-shirts and looked really happy about it. Yesterday Denver woke up to whiteout blizzard conditions. Snow up to mid-calf on the sidewalks and approximately 15 feet of visibility. I think we ended up with about 18 inches of heavy wet snow. Today there are beautiful blue skies, (I’m assuming) ice on the roads, and a projected high of 50 degrees.
It’s just so crazy. But I kind of like how sporadic it is. I kind of like these things too:
- All these Easter brunch options:Eggs in purgatory, Crispy hashbrown haystacks, Whipped cream cheese stuffed french toast with raspberries, Spring vegetable egg casserole, Croissant french toast, Orange flannel hash, and Burrata breakfast pizza
- And all these rolls:Carrot cake cinnamon rolls with mascarpone icing, Cinnamon bun cake with almond paste and vanilla custard (AKA butterkaka), Orange-almond sweet rolls with basil glaze
- The worst type of airline passengers. Reading it still makes me want to get on a plane and go somewhere.
- The Cooked Netflix series. I watched them all last night and loved It makes me want to attempt making sourdough bread, go to a legit BBQ, and buy really, really good cheese.
- This article on experiencing positive emotions and so I’m going to add The Lively Show into my podcast rotations.
Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend spent with family, close friends, and/or people you really, really like!