Happy Fall! It still feels like summer here in Denver (80 degrees much?), but it definitely felt like fall in Aspen this weekend (read about it here). Look at those ridiculous colors.
Also, look at these things:
- Pumpkin granola: toasted pumpkin muesli, pumpkin spice granola, pumpkin spice chocolate granola, and chocolate peanut butter pumpkin granola.
- Food 52’s essential chocolate chip cookie guide. Time to go on a cookie-baking binge.
- Lady Gaga’s new music video is absolutely heartbreaking. Please watch Til It Happens To You.
- How cool is mapiful? I want one.
- Fall is here! Make a checklist. Ideas here and here.
In other news, I signed up for the Rock ‘N’ Roll Denver Half Marathon with a friend from work, got the a-ok from the doctor to ditch the wrist brace (<— that scar tho), and booked a flight to Seattle. Can’t wait to hang out with my best friend all weekend and celebrate her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATALIE!!!!!