- I’ve been on yogurt kick lately, so breakfast this week has been a banana, fresh berries, chia seeds, walnuts, and full fat plain Greek yogurt. This combo never disappoints.
- When my friends and I grilled last Sunday I made a ton of extra kabobs, so I’ve been eating the leftovers with some greens for lunch all week. I could eat this everyday forever and ever.
- My snacks this week were super typical – an apple in the morning and some broccoli in the afternoon.
- Dinners have been all over the place because of various things going on. Check out in the other fun things section!
- Monday: Easy run. My friend Monica and I had a nice morning run downtown. Total = 7.5 miles; 9:35 min/mile pace.
- Tuesday: Strength training + track workout. I squeezed in some strength training circuits over lunch. I did 3 sets of the following: 1st – single-leg shoulder scaption, Romanian deadlifts, standing triceps extensions; 2nd – lateral band walks, cable adductors, biceps and hammer curls; 3rd – chest press, lat pulldowns, leg lifts. Then I finished off with some more ab work and stretching. Later that evening I met up with the CBRC for a track workout at “the bridges” (which is not a track, but a flat stretch on the Cedar Lake Trail that has three bridges spaced about ½-mile apart). The workout: 1 mile – 3 min rest – ½ mile – 30 sec rest – ½ mile – 3 min rest. I repeated that once more and also had a warm up and cool down. Total = 7.35 miles; 8:56 min/mile pace.
- Wednesday: National Running Day run! I met up with a group of girls from the CBRC for a bright and early run to celebrate National Running Day! Most of us did a track workout the night before, so we kept it pretty easy, which was quite fun. It’s moments like that that make me love running so much. Total = 5.0 miles; 9:25 min/mile pace.
- Thursday: Yoga. I went to “yoga at the winery” with my mom. It was a very beginner class and my brain was very distracted, but it was still a nice time.
- Friday: Easy run. I was at home in Hutchinson and took it super slow on some gravel roads. I even saw a horse on the loose! Total = 4.0 miles; 10:00 min/mile pace
- Saturday: Easy run. I cut down my long run this week. Total = 9.0 miles; 9:25 min/mile pace.
- Sunday: Easy run. This was a hot, hot run, but it was such a gorgeous morning! Luckily, there was at least one water fountain on in the city. Total = 6.0 miles; 9:15 min/mile pace.
As you can see there were a lot of easy runs towards the end of this week. I finally went to see a doctor about those weird heart things I’ve been feeling on some of my long runs. He advised me not to run. I clearly didn’t listen, but I did cut down on my miles, didn’t do a workout, and took it really easy. I have another appointment this week, so more to come on that!
- Some of my co-workers from Canada were visiting this week, so the team planned a couple of fun outings for them so they weren’t stuck in their hotel rooms. On Monday we went to Lake Harriet (pictured above) for a picnic and some live music. So fun! I don’t know why I haven’t done this in Minneapolis before. Someone picked up food from the Broder’s Deli (I had the Emilia Salad – so tasty). We spent the evening sitting on blankets, chatting, and listening to some live big band music. The weather was a tad on the chilly side, but still a great night overall. On Wednesday night we went to Pizzeria Lola for dinner. This place has been on my “must eat at” list since I moved to Minneapolis almost 4 years ago! Ridiculous. This place was amazing. We got a bunch of different pizzas, so I was able to try the Korean BBQ (OMG, the best), Hawaii Pie-O, The Forager, and Beautiful Evening (the special). It was amazing. I am so sad that it took me so long to try it out. I could have been enjoying this pizza for years. If you live in the Minneapolis area, please go now.
- My friend Ellie and her husband Oliver were in town from California. I rarely ever get to see them, so I drove home to Hutchinson on Thursday after work. First I met my mom and her friend (Hi Lynn!) at Crow River Winery for “yoga at the winery”. They do an outdoor yoga class every Thursday night and then you go inside and have a glass of wine – how great is that?! Plus, it’s only $10. We also ordered a red pepper asparagus pizza to enjoy with our wine. It was very delicious! Afterwards I met up Ellie, Oliver, and Johanna at Zella’s for half-priced bottles of wine and a lot of catching up. It’s always good to see close friends <3
- On Friday afternoon I took my mom out for lunch at Zella’s to celebrate her last day of another school year (and an early birthday). Then we did a little shopping and grabbed coffee and dessert before I had to head back to Minneapolis. It was a fun afternoon with my mom. I hope to have a few more of those this summer!
- My friend Megan and her boyfriend Justin were in town from Boston on Friday night, so a big group of us went out to LynLake Brewery to see them and drink beer and hang out on the rooftop – such a great night with too many awesome people.
- A couple of friends got together for Sunday brunch to check out the drag brunch at Mattie’s on Main. It was quite silly and the food was really tasty.
Oh man, apparently there were lots of fun things this week! I liked it. Oh summer <3