The last week of May! EEKS. Here’s what all went down…
My Tuesday-Friday routine meals:
- Breakfasts: Baked sweet potato topped with ½ cup full fat plain Greek yogurt, cinnamon, a drizzle of maple syrup, a tablespoon of chopped walnuts, and some fresh berries.
- Lunches: A chopped salad with red cabbage, kale, radishes, beets, parsley, and chickpeas tossed with a lemon red wine vinaigrette and topped with some salty sunflower seeds. There were also some chopped up anchovies in the mix for bonus omega-3s.
- Snacks: An apple in the morning and some cucumbers with hummus in the afternoons.
- Dinners: Sautéed vegetables (kale, cabbage, carrots, onion, peppers, mushrooms) and a soft-boiled egg.
Some other fun meals:
- Dinner with some college girlfriends at Kafe 421 (more below). I had the cobb salad with grilled chicken and no cheese. We also split a bottle (or two) of Malbec – gotta love half-priced bottles of wine night!
- I also snacked on these triple berry almond oat bars all week. They are vegan and easy to make and so very delicious!
- My post 22-mile recovery meal: toast and an omelet with some chia seed jam, peaches, and blueberries. Does anyone else like fruity omelets?
- My friends and I grilled before the Twin’s game today! It was the first time grilling at my place this year. I need to do it more often. We had chicken and veggie kabobs, lentil salad, fresh fruit, and some Indeed shenanigans. So delicious!
- Monday: Easy run. 6 miles in the rain in northern Minnesota. I think my shoes were wet for about 3 days, but there is something so soothing about running in the misty rain. Total = 6 miles; 9:10 min/mile pace.
- Tuesday: Cross-training. I was planning on going to run club, but the universe seemed to be against it for a variety of reasons, so I did some cross-training instead: 45 minutes on the elliptical followed by 1 round of this full body dumbbell workout.
- Wednesday: Easy run + strength training. I started the day with a gorgeous morning run with my friend Lindsey. Total = 7 miles; 9:31 min/mile. Over my lunch break I did some strength training: 3 rounds of the following 2 circuits: 1st – sumo squat with shoulder press, standing triceps extensions, biceps curls; 2nd – cable adductors, cable abductors, cable rows; followed by ab work and stretching.
- Thursday: Track workout. I made up the track workout that I was supposed to do on Tuesday. It was a hot evening, but went ok overall. I did a 1.7 mile warm up + 4x 1-mile repeats (8:00-8:30 min/mile) + 1.7 mile easy cool down. Total = 7.5 miles; 9:10 min/mile.
- Friday: Rest day.
- Saturday: Long run. For the last long run before the taper begins for every training season my run club (Calhoun Beach Run Club) does a “capitol run” which is the last 22 miles of the Twin Cities Marathon route: from the Calhoun Beach Club to the Minnesota Capitol Building. We always treat this run as a practice for the marathon. I always get really excited and nervous about it. The first 10ish miles went great, but then mile 12-14 I started having a weird heartbeat again like I did during the Fargo Half Marathon, so I slowed down. One of the girls slowed down and ran with me (THANK YOU AGAIN KRISTEN!!!!!), which pretty much saved me for the next 8 miles. I made it the full 22 miles because of all the support from the CBRC. Despite my body feeling ok, I’m still nervous about this marathon. But I’m going to try to go to the doctor this week, so that’ll help! Total = 22 miles; 9:25 min/mile.
- Sunday: Recovery miles. I met up with my friends Lindsey and Christie from run club to do some recovery miles. The Minneapolis Marathon was going on, so we planned our route along the course to cheer on the runners. It was a great morning for a run. Congrats to all the Minneapolis Marathon finishers! Total = 5 miles; 9:35 min/mile.
- Total: 1 cross training session. 1 strength training session. 1 rest day. 5 runs (47.5 miles).
- Memorial Day was unfortunately pretty dreary. My family and I had one last breakfast together at the cabin before everyone packed up and headed home. The traffic. OMG, the traffic! It was so backed up, but my brother and I made it back to Minneapolis (with bright blue skies and 70 degrees – wtf?!) in one sane piece. It was such a fun weekend.
- I met up with some girlfriends from college on Wednesday night at Kafe 421. One of the girls was visiting from California and another just moved back from Switzerland – a great reason to get everyone together! Kafe 421 was one of our favorites spots in college, because of the half-priced bottles of wine on Mondays and Wednesdays and it’s right in the heart of Dinkytown (which has changed completely, FYI). It’s always great to catch up with the girls!
- On Friday afternoon I met up with my friend Natalie to work on some of our Peru planning. We go on an international trip every year – this is our 6th! We leave for Peru in a couple of weeks (with two other girls) and still need to do some logistics planning. It was nice to catch up and get some things sorted out. I need to make a trip to REI. Also, if anyone has and Peru/Inca Trail tips, please send them my way!
- My friends and I went to the Twin’s game today – the first thing I get to check off the bucket list! Plus, we grilled (check again!) and had a delicious meal outside. It was a great afternoon loaded with silly conversations and my favorite people. <3
Hope you had a great week! xoxjd
Always love your weekly recaps
Sounds like a fun week and a strong one in fitness too!
Glad you made it the full 22 miles, but I’m worried about your heart…my sister Erin had something similar- she went through a lot of tests to find out it was nothing, but it was still good to know for sure.
Thanks, Jessie. I went in to the GMI doc today to get some tests and am trying to get an appointment with a hospital this week. I’m sure it’s nothing, but it’ll be good not to worry about it!