The Philadelphia Marathon is one month from today! ONE MONTH. That’s 31 short days away. I am both so scared and so excited.
Scared, because I had a major hip flexor issue earlier this week. After my run on Monday evening I was in so much pain, hobbling around my condo gripping countertop to countertop as I walked around. There may have been a tear (or five). BUT, thankfully, it’s not anything major. I went to see Dr. Crabtree at Uptown Natural Care Center for some Active Release Therapy (ART) and will be going back a couple of times a week for the next week or so. In the meantime I can continue to run, which is great because on Saturday I am running the Monster Dash plus 5-7 additional miles (you know, for fun-ish).
Scared again, because I am not so sure I will be able to reach my goal time. I just don’t feel as strong as I did when I ran Grandma’s Marathon last June. But I still have one whole month to train my body and (probably more importantly) my mind to run that 26.2 miles.
But still, excited! Because I have been working towards this since August 2. Because I am running it with a bunch (what are we up to now, 9?!) other Calhoun Beach Run Club-ers, who are all amazing. Because I want to eat 4 post-marathon Philly cheesesteaks. Because running a marathon is such a thrilling (yet painful) experience.
Ok. I’m done with the marathon rant. That went on longer than it should have.
In non-running news, I did go to my first yoga sculpt class since forever ago. A co-worker had told me about Yoga Sol, so I went to check it out. It’s little studio in Northeast Minneapolis. There is no membership, but they ask for a $10 donation for each class. So great, right?! The sculpt class was fantastic. Lots of sweating, strength, and stretching – everything I needed. I’m excited to check out more of their classes, because I really just NEED more yoga in my life.
I also NEED you to check out all these great things I came across this week:
- This article was both hilarious and good to know. I’m glad I never described myself as a locavore foodie who loves yummo ‘za and orgasmic sandos.
- Dinners I want this weekend: Savoury Tomato Parmesan Crumble and Stuffed Chicken Breast with Pears and Brie.
- I have been saving wine corks for a little over 8 years now (I started when I studied abroad in Berlin in college) and have bowls upon bowls of corks spread throughout my condo. This bulletin board would be a good way to use some of them up!
- When I grow up I want to have a progressive dinner party like this.
- This is a great article on authenticity. Let’s be REAL.
A little long-winded this week, but sometimes that happens.
OH, almost forgot. I finally made a Just J.Faye Facebook page. Follow me!! If you want.
I hope you have a great Thursday and a wonderful rest of your week.
[…] week ago today I ran the Philadelphia Marathon. I have been going on and on and on and on and on about it since April and last Sunday was the big day. It seems like forever ago, but […]