I baked up these Soft Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bars on Saturday and did my very, very best to pretend they weren’t there for the rest of the day – #selfcontrol. On Sunday I met up with some friends at a bar for a mild form of Sunday Funday (I say mild because this only lasted 2 hours. Our current record is 6 hours) and brought these bars along with some plastic bags. I needed to give them all away, because otherwise I would just go home and eat whatever was left. Not necessary. Luckily they were easy to pawn off on people. The waitress was super excited.
Moral of the story: Let’s have Sunday Funday. I might bring treats.
Also, some interesting things I found on the web this week…
- I’ve been toying with the idea of getting a spiralizer for a few months now and have come to the conclusion that I absolutely need Because of this, this, this, this, this, and these. Do I need to have more reasons than that?! I could just get a julienne peeler too. Either way, one of those tools needs to get into my kitchen ASAP.
- This idea of pairing movies with food is wonderful. My friends and I are hoping to have a Will Ferrell movie marathon soon (saving it for a rainy day). Soooo we should probably have meatloaf, spaghetti with syrup, and, of course, scotch.
- These 15 career tips from smart women are pretty awesome. When an article posts quotes from Mindy Kaling, Tina Fey, Hilary Clinton, Nora Ephron, and Arianna Huffington you know it’s going to be good.
- And then there are these 9 ways to be a more badass woman. Do them all.
- This soup. This salad. This pie. Let’s eat.
Happyyyy Thursdayyyyy xojd