In case you aren’t familiar, the Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) is a 310-mile trail that stretches from the Minnesota/Wisconsin border south of Duluth and moves north along Lake Superior to the Minnesota/Canada border.
You can learn more about it on the website here.
We are going to hike it Southbound (SOBO) starting on Thursday. My parents will drop us off at the Minnesota/Canada border annbbd then we will head on our way down the trail.
Our goal is to finish no later than September 7, because we have a wedding in Minneapolis on September 8. To do this we’ll have to average 13.5 miles/day, which I don’t foresee as a problem at all.
After backpacking in Glacier, North Cascades, and the Maroon Bells-Snowmass Wilderness I am excited to extend the adventure over to Minnesota.
I think the Superior Hiking Trail will give me a little taste of what thru-hiking is all about. I’m looking forward to the challenge!