Two blog posts in a row. This is a big week for me.
Enjoy these things…
- This cornbread topped skillet chili on a chilly fall evening? Please.
- 8 little ways to simplify your life, especially the solo dates and forest baths.
- BFF date nights – love it!
- 6 reasons why you should start running.
- This isn’t what my Halloween will look like this year, but maybe one day.
In other news I’m off to Portland tomorrow to run the Portland Marathon! Yikes. Instead of running 5-7 days/week like I should have I opted for the 2-3 days/week route with some Orange Theory Fitness and weekend hikes. At least I’ll get the benefit of sea level air, but my body is going to hurt. A lot. However, my friend Lindsey convinced to me to sign up with the promise that we will run it together “for fun”. So, that’s the plan. Get ready for some marathon selfies!
And in more news, I may not have been posting here that often, but I have been posting bi-weekly over at Minneapolis Running. Check out my latest: Core & Upper Body Tabata Workout for Runners.