With my move to Denver, my fitness routine has been (and still is) all thrown off. Reason #1 = the altitude. Reason #2 = my broken wrist.
First of all, the altitude is real. I thought the adjustment to being a mile above sea level would maybe take a week or two (three, tops!) and then I’d be back to my normal pace and my normal distances. I was wrong. I ran Grandma’s Marathon a short 2.5 months ago, but now I get excited when I can run 3 miles without feeling like death. I did get up to 6 miles on Monday, which I was way excited about. #smallwins
It is slow and steady progress. I’m trying to stay motivated and positive.
Of course, breaking my wrist after living here for a whole 2 days didn’t help the situation either. I took a weeklong break from running (partly because the doctor told me not to run and partly because I was traumatized by Denver’s dangerous sidewalks) and haven’t done much strength training or cross training since. Without the ability to do downward dogs, pushups, and essentially any exercise that requires me to flex and/or put weight on my wrists, I am pretty limited.
Luckily, limited isn’t hopeless. I am slowly starting to get back into the groove of things. I haven’t found a gym yet, so I’ve been doing a lot of at-home and in-the-park bodyweight workouts. These are great.
One of my go-to workouts right now is to go for a run around Washington Park, then end near a picnic table to do some strength training and stretching. At first I felt a little silly doing squats in the park by myself, but I got over it. I don’t know about you, but every time I see other people doing yoga and workouts in the park all I think is, “Man, that person is awesome. I need to do that too.” So I am.
Plus, I am much more apt to do it right after my run outside in the breezy air, rather than waiting until I get back home to my hot, non air-conditioned, garden level duplex.
Are you with me?
The next time you go out for a little jog, whether it be 1 mile or 10 miles, try to tack on this little strength training and stretching routine at the end. I really, really don’t think you’d regret it.
Exercise Cues:
- Elevated Push Ups – Begin in an elevated push-up (plank) position with your hands on a bench and your toes on the ground behind you. Keeping your body in a straight line with your core engaged, slowly lower your body while bending your elbows to a 90-degree angle. Push your body back up to starting position.
- Squats – Stand with feet hip-width distance apart, toes pointing forward. Squat down by bending your knees and flexing your hips, keeping your back straight and your knees behind your toes. Lower until you reach a 90-degree angle. Engage your glutes and rise back up to starting position.
- Bench Dips – Sit on a bench with your legs straight out in front of you, your heels on the ground, and your hands gripping the edge of the bench on each side of your body. Straighten your arms and lift your body off the bench (starting position). Lower yourself in front of the bench until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle. Raise yourself back up to starting position.
- Elevated Plank Hip Dips – Begin in an elevated forearm plank position with your forearms on a bench and your toes on the ground behind you. Keeping your core engaged and your thighs pressed tight together, twist your torso to the right so that your right hip dips towards the ground. Raise back to plank position, then twist your torso to the left. This is one rep.
- Standing Lateral Leg Lifts – Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. Raise your right leg out to the side as high as your can go without sacrificing your posture, keeping your toes and knee facing forward. Make sure that your core is engaged and your left leg is straight and strong. Complete all reps on your right leg, then switch to your left.
Stretch Cues:
- Standing Quad Stretch – Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. Reach behind you to grab your right ankle and pull it up until you feel a stretch in your front thigh and hip flexor. Make sure your back is straight and your core engaged. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
- Standing Hamstring Stretch – Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. Step your right foot forward and rest your heel on the ground with your toes pointing up. With your hands on your hips, lean into the stretch by hinging at the waist and slightly bending your left leg. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides. Sometimes you can feel this down to your calves as well.
- Standing Figure-4 Glute Stretch – Stand with feel hip-width distance apart. Place your right ankle over your left knee and bend down to a squatting position. Use a bench or tree for balance. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.
- Standing Chest Stretch – Stand with feet hip-width distance apart. Lace your fingers together behind your back. Making sure to stand straight and engage your core, raise your arms up behind you focusing on squeezing your shoulder blades together and opening your chest. Hold for 30 seconds.
Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy it! Happy running