PS- If you read blogs that do giveaways, sign up for them. In 2014 I won $300 of Driscoll’s berries (in coupons), a Nespresso machine, and now a Vitamix. Never hurts to try!
Now onto some fun Thursday things:
- Ok, this music video. I was definitely not this cool when I was 11, nor was I ever that excited to go to K-Mart, but I do have a couple #1 girls.
- Have you listened to Serial yet? I finally got on the bandwagon (thanks, Kristin!) and am now obsessed with Podcasts in general. Anyways, this Serial: The Rom Com is hilarious.
- I have been craving this burger all week. I first stumbled across it on Sunday morning after a night of drinking beer with friends. So yeah, perfect.
- Do you have any enemies? If so, you should ship them glitter.
- I have about 47 crafts planned for this weekend and this no sew braided rug is one of them. Realistically I’ll probably get 1.5 done, but hey, a girl can dream!
Andddd now I bid thee farewell. Have a great day! <3jenna
I wish we lived closer.. I want to make that rug with you!!!
Also, if you need to get rid of your magic bullet… Pick me
Maybe one day, beanie.
The bullet is all yours!