- Became a NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES) in February
- Went on the 5th annual Jen-Nat trip to Buenos Aires and Mendoza, Argentina in March
- Started working at Custom Fitness as a backup Personal Trainer in April
- Began as a running tour guide for City Running Tours in April
- STARTED THIS BLOG (!!!!) in April
- Hung out in Boston for a few days, celebrated my birthday, and watched the Boston Marathon in April
- Transferred into a new role at General Mills in June
- Travelled to Costa Rica in August
- Took over as Minneapolis Manager for City Running Tours in September
- Spent the weekend in Denver in October
- Ran the Philadelphia Marathon (my 3rd) in November
In between all of those bullets were a lot of brunches with my girlfriends, baked goods, runs, good and bad first dates, not many second dates, relaxing weekends at the Jabin, beers, vegetables, quality time with the family, tears, laughs, etc.
To me 2014 was a regular year. It wasn’t bad by any means, but it wasn’t significant in any way either. However, after doing this little exercise of writing out major accomplishments and reflecting on some of the memories the year does seem like it was quite full. Yes, there were some dark spots, but most of the memories I’m taking away are quite wonderful.
Let’s face it, 2015 will be better.
Why? Becauseeeeeeeeeeeeee. It just will be. Trust me.
So, now. My 2015 New Year’s Resolutions. Intentions. Goals. Plans. Whatever you would like to call them:
I should probably add things like “scrub my floors weekly” and “get my oil changed on time”, but I’m not. Those things can fall under “get shit done.” Also, those things aren’t fun.
On New Year’s Eve my girlfriends and I dubbed this year as 2-0-1-5, the year we’ll thrive. And thrive we shall <3
Did you make goals for 2015? What are they?
I had more reading yours! Ha! Your TK Friend in sunny Florida. Cheryl
Thanks, Cheryl
Happy 2015!!