My mom, the leading lady of this post, came to Minneapolis last weekend, because my dad had given her the “day off” (meaning she didn’t have to sit at home “on call” in case he needed a ride in from the field). She hadn’t been up to visit in a while and we both needed/wanted a low-key weekend. Usually I put her to work with some sort of DIY craft project for my condo (which she loves to help with), but I didn’t have any. Weird.
Instead of crafting we hung out, shopped, cooked, drank wine, yoga sculpt-ed, brunched, and baked.
My little brother joined in on the brunch fun where we just couldn’t resist the apple doughnuts with cheddar cheese for an appetizer. I mean, who could? They were so good.
These links are good too. Check them out:
- Brown butter, pumpkin, and sage is where it’s at this fall: here, here, here, here, here and pretty much everywhere.
- I want a bar cart and throw a party, but that means I need a new house (or bigger space) to put one in.
- My mom and I should have made these hats this weekend. Maybe they will have to wait for Sister Weekend (Jaci/Kristin – thoughts?!).
- There is a cereal cafe in London!! I love cereal and can talk about Cheerios like Bubba talks about shrimp, but I never, ever, ever buy cereal because I will OD on it. This is also why I never purchase chips & salsa. These are dangerous things to have in the pantry. Anyways, I would totally go to the Cereal Killer Cafe and have one of everything.
- My friend sent me this article on Monday and I loved it. Staying is settling, so where shall I move?
Stay warm out there. High of 40 degrees today. Gaaahhhh.
Ahhh!! I saw the hat tutorial earlier this week! I have a sweater that I bought for $7 & shrunk before I could even wear it (I’m the worst). But I figured I could make it into a hat! So yes, I would love to make that during sister weekend!