Anyways, some fun links and things this week:
- This September Produce Guide is amazing. Let’s all take advantage of delicious, seasonal produce! The carrots pictured above are from my CSA box. They would be perfect for any of the carrot recipes listed, but this soup is definitely on my list to make sometime this month.
- Speaking of seasonal, all of these fall fashion trends really make me want to go shopping… with a pumpkin spiced latte in my hand.
- Two of my favorite bloggers released cookbooks this week: Seriously Delish from How Sweet It Is and Easy Gourmet from I Am A Food Blog. A.MA.ZING. These ladies know how to cook and take pictures. I can’t wait to dig in and devour page after page after page!
- This would have been handy to know 10 years ago (or more), but better late than never! I’m sure I’ll run into infinitely more awkward social situations over the years.
- What a fabulous little baking hack this is! Mason jars (and all their pieces) always come in handy.
Welp. My coffee is done. Time to get ready for work. Have a fantastic Thursday! xojenna